Saturday, July 22, 2006

Last night we took James to the circus. We arrived about 15 minutes late as I got a late start in feeding James his dinner. So we walked into the big tent during the show and James had no idea what was going on. He had a death grip around my neck but after a few minutes he lessened his hold. I wish I could give you a comparison of circuses in the states but I have no memories of this when I was a child. The highlight of the event had to be the two giant, healthy-looking giraffes they led out on leashes. All the children in the stands ran down to the center of the ring and were handed carrots to feed the giraffes. Rick carried James on his shoulders to pet these beautiful animals. Unfortunately, we were not allowed to take photos. James loved the whole thing; what an amazing experience for our little guy!


Anonymous said...

Did James get to pet the giraffes? I would have loved to have seen his face.

Guess where we are going to take our baby girl when she arrives back in the US! Big Smile

Miss and Love you, Mom

Jillina said...

Oh how fun! I can't really remember what a circus is like either - weird I'm sure I went to them. I guess this is one of those things I'll rediscover with William.


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