Friday, July 14, 2006

Here is our fruit and vegetable market that takes place behind the city park every Thursday. The produce is fresh and very cheap. For example: a head of lettuce is 50 cents. This is one of my favorite parts of Brazil, fresh fruit and vegetables always. I bought a can of corn once and it was terrible. The crazy thing is that it is more expensive to buy frozen or canned fruits and veggies than fresh. It makes no sense, I know! I thought you would like to see a photo of purple cauliflower. I've never tried it, in fact, this is the first time I've seen it. Also, notice the many varieties of bananas. One of our favorites is the banana maca, a banana that tastes like an apple. It's very interesting. Our market also has a candy stand which James tends to have a mini heart attack if I don't stop. There is also a "salty" stand that sells typical Brazilian munchies. I'm not a big fan. The texture of these snacks is very much like cheese puffs minus the flavor. But children here love them. (double click on the picture to have a better look)


Laurie said...

I love fresh fruits and veggies!!! Hopefully we can come and visit sometime. We pray for the important work you and Rick are doing for the Lord every day.

Anonymous said...

legal as fotos kim!!!
a cara do james olhando pras balas ficou mto engraçado!

Anonymous said...

The veggies look wonderful...even the purple cauliflower! Love all the pictures of Jamie...wish there were more of you honey! Love, Mom


designer : anniebluesky :

graphics : VLADSTUDIO :