Saturday, August 05, 2006

My Teacher

Meet Simone, my Portuguese teacher. She comes to my home twice a week and gives me lessons while James takes his afternoon naps. She mainly teaches me grammar, all of which she explains in Portuguese. This is definitely not easy but I'm managing. I know I am progressing, as last night was the first time I caught myself thinking in Portuguese. This is huge! (I have also dreamed in Portuguese) I wouldn't say that "I have arrived," but at least I am just around the corner!


Becky said...

That is SOOO cool... I was wondering how you were managing besides just picking up the language by being there! I would love to become fluent in another language... way to go, Reese!!! :)

Jillina said...

Reese this is so impressive. But you speak German and Spanish fluently don't you? Does it really just keep getting easier with each new language?


designer : anniebluesky :

graphics : VLADSTUDIO :