Wednesday, February 28, 2007

James making Breakfast


Jillina said...

Could this be any cutier!! Oh my goodness - adorable!

Anonymous said...

That just made my morning! Too cute for words!!!

Angie said...

He is so cute. I know you must enjoy every moment with him!

Anonymous said...

I love watching this over and over...Can't wait to get him and you in my arms again for a great big hug! Love you Honey!

Anonymous said...

Eu quero Tacos também
Muitas saudades de voces
Estou chegando quarta feira

mommy zabs said...

It is so good to find your blog and catch up on your guys. I feel so out of touch!! James is so incredibly precious! I wish he could come play with my boys! they would have such fun and mischeif! :) Parenthood looks so good on you and Rick too!
Congrats on your little girl on the way, How wonderful :) I love having 2 babies. Owen is 2.5 and lukas is 14 months. They are little whirlwinds I can barely keep up with. But they are absolutely the joy of my life! Please let me know if for any reason you are in Columbus ohio. I would love to see you guys.


designer : anniebluesky :

graphics : VLADSTUDIO :