Friday, February 23, 2007


Last week, we had our sweet neighbors over for their very first experience with tacos. Saying they enjoyed them would be an understatement! I found a place that sells taco shells but they are a luxury as a small box costs around $10. Notice the ketchup on the table. The girls poured it on and ate 3 each. Brazilians love their ketchup!

James and his new buddies stopped playing ball long enough for mommy to take a photo. James makes friends everywhere he goes and this day it happened to be at the park right next to our house. Yesterday, while James and I were walking to the grocery store to pick up some items for lunch we passed a little boy in the street that knew his name. I think he has more friends than Rick and I combined!

Here is a photo of a distressed James getting "hooked" with his toy fishing pole. He has never been fishing but he loves to pretend. A string of yarn or a shoelace becomes a fun toy to throw over the back of a chair. His uncle Rob and uncle Garry will have to take him the next time we're in the states.This is how I found James watching cartoons one morning- inside two pool floats! Kids are the best!


Angie said...

The pool floats are the best!!! That is really cute!

And ketchup on tacos? My niece is a ketchup addict, and that sounds like something she would try.

I love the updates with all the pics. Keep them coming!

Ryan and Michelle said...

Homemade taco's are my favorite! Congratulations on baby #2. I hope you are feeling well. It's great to hear about your work for the Lord. Take care!

chris anne said...

boys are too funny, aren't they? james seems so sweet; it's no wonder he makes friends everywhere!

Anonymous said...

Love the pictures honey! Too bad you couldn't have a link to the yahoo page of James making breakfast!!! Its the best...thank you for taking the time to post it honey. I love you, Mom


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