Saturday, March 17, 2007

James Starts Preschool

James started at a Christian Preschool last week and is enjoying the interaction with the other children. Rick and I thought it would be a great opportunity for him to hear and learn Portuguese for a couple hours a few days a week. I don't want him learning incorrectly from his gringa mommy! So we are doing a testing period to see if this will be a good thing for him. Here is a photo of him in his school uniform.


Becky said...

He is so cute! What a big boy! I'm sure he will do great... I've always wished I spoke another language fluently... he will be a pro in no time if he already isn't!

Angie said...

I know this was a big step for you, too! I'm sure he will enjoy being around the other children. What an incredible opportunity for him to learn Portuguese!
How many times I've heard the word "gringa" while I'm attempting to speak Spanish!

Jillina said...

James is going to speak so many languages when he's all grown up. Are you teaching him any german? When did you start?

Laurie said...

What a cute little peanut! He is going to be such a sweet big brother to his new little sister. Have y'all thought of any names yet??

chris anne said...

so cute. campbell is going to start preschool this fall, too.


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graphics : VLADSTUDIO :