Thursday, June 15, 2006

Whoa! The past couple days have been a little crazy:

1. Brazil won it's first game of the world cup against Croatia on Tuesday. Yahoo! During the game, the entire city shut down and the place looked like a ghost town. When the game finished, everyone was in the street with noise makers, fireworks and waving flags. There is nothing in the states like this. It is really amazing to see an entire country with so much pride. Sorry USA, we're cheering for Brazil!!
2. Rick's parents flew in from South Carolina on Tuesday. They had been in the states since December and we hadn't seen them since Christmas. It's just not the same being in Brazil without them. Here is a photo of us having a delicious lunch at their house. Laura, ( in the yellow shirt), lives with denhams and helps translates books for the ministry.

3. James has been sick, really sick the past few days. He has had a fever since Monday night, sometimes as high as 103.7 degrees. We have taken him to the doctor twice and the medicine that was prescribed seems to be working as his fever broke around 3am. Praise the Lord! He still has a nasty cold that he is battling. He is a trooper though.........Still wanting to play, and at times cause mischief. :)

Rick's brother Mark, a lawyer from LA, has just taken a new job for GE Brazil. We are thrilled as we will be seeing him every couple of months when he is down here working. So, he is currently in Sao Paulo today (only an hour away) and will be catching a bus to come see us. Today is a national holiday in Brazil. I'll make sure to take some photos!



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