Friday, June 09, 2006

Bem-vindo to the Denham Blog! I have so enjoyed reading my friend's blogs these past few months that I wanted to start one for our little family. So now, I want to share with you some of the daily happenings of life here in Brazil on the mission field. So sit back, enjoy, and wait for the posts to come! Please feel free to leave comments. We would love to hear from you and know that there are folks out there reading.

The above photo was taken on Mother's Day last month at one of our favorite spots called Santa Barbara. Located on this property is a delicious restaurant overlooking a big lake filled with ducks and swans. There are also horses available to ride and a nice playground that James thoroughly enjoys. It's a place we love to take our guests when they come to visit.


Anonymous said...

I love the blog Reese!! I am honored to have my picture here with you!! It was great talking with you today! I miss you!! Love, Heather


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graphics : VLADSTUDIO :